Stay ahead
of your competitors

Making data-driven decisions easy and rewarding

Easy to use
Lightning Fast
Save Time
Automate More

Maximise your revenue

Optimize pricing with our real-time price comparison tool. See how your prices stack up against your main competitors, optimise your pricing strategy and increase your revenue. With Noovy, you can even automate availability closure on busy days on specific websites, ensuring that you never miss out on potential bookings. 

Automate your payment collection

Automate credit card transactions, authorizations, and secure payment links effortlessly. Accept in-person payments via connected terminals for a seamless experience. Enjoy secure transactions with swift fund deposits directly into your bank account.

Say goodbye to errors and hello to seamless operations.

Make data-driven decisions

Take control of your hotel’s performance with our organised reports and insights. Say goodbye to data chaos and hello to clarity. Compare rates and occupancy effortlessly, make informed decisions, and drive your hotel’s success with our user-friendly platform. From segment analysis to booking trends, we’ve got you covered.

Reports & Insights

More ways to improve your hotel’s revenue

Channel Management

Connect your hotel to over 400+ online travel agencies and wholesalers. Giving your hotel global exposure and more bookings.

Booking Engine

Give your guests a smooth booking experience when booking on your website. Our commission-free booking engine will give your direct bookings a boost.


Connect to any revenue management system or business intelligence tool with our growing marketplace of 3rd party apps.

Knowledge is power

03 Mar 2023 • 1 min reading

Top 10 Booking Channels for Your Hotel

03 Mar 2023 • 1 min reading

Guide with 30 Tips to Boost Your Hotel Revenue

11 Feb 2023 • 1 min reading

How to Double Your Direct Bookings

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